/*! * jquery lazy - min - v0.1.18 * http://jquery.eisbehr.de/lazy/ * http://eisbehr.de/ * * copyright 2014, daniel 'eisbehr' kern * * dual licensed under the mit and gpl v2 licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * jquery("img.lazy").lazy(); */ (function(e, t, n, r) { e.fn.lazy = function(r) { function u(n) { if (typeof n != "boolean") n = false; s.each(function(num) { var r = e(this); var s = this.tagname.tolowercase(); if (f(r) || n) { if (r.attr(i.attribute) && (s == "img" && r.attr(i.attribute) != r.attr("src") || s != "img" && r.attr(i.attribute) != r.css("background-image")) && !r.data("loaded") && (r.is(":visible") || !i.visibleonly)) { var u = e(new image); ++o; if (i.onerror) u.error(function() { p(i.onerror, r); h() }); else u.error(function() { h() }); var a = true; u.one("load", function() { var e = function() { if (a) { t.settimeout(e, 100); return } r.hide(); if (s == "img") r.attr("src", u.attr("src")); else r.css("background-image", "url(" + u.attr("src") + ")"); settimeout(function() { r[i.effect](i.effecttime); }, num * 50); if (i.removeattribute) r.removeattr(i.attribute); p(i.afterload, r); u.unbind("load"); u.remove(); h() }; e() }); p(i.beforeload, r); u.attr("src", r.attr(i.attribute)); p(i.onload, r); a = false; if (u.complete) u.load(); r.data("loaded", true) } } }); s = e(s).filter(function() { return !e(this).data("loaded") }) } function a() { if (i.delay >= 0) settimeout(function() { u(true) }, i.delay); if (i.delay < 0 || i.combined) { u(false); e(i.appendscroll).bind("scroll", c(i.throttle, u)); e(i.appendscroll).bind("resize", c(i.throttle, u)) } } function f(e) { var t = n.documentelement.scrolltop ? n.documentelement.scrolltop : n.body.scrolltop; return t + l() + i.threshold > e.offset().top } function l() { if (t.innerheight) return t.innerheight; if (n.documentelement && n.documentelement.clientheight) return n.documentelement.clientheight; if (n.body && n.body.clientheight) return n.body.clientheight; if (n.body && n.body.offsetheight) return n.body.offsetheight; return i.fallbackheight } function c(e, t) { function s() { function o() { r = +(new date); t.apply() } var s = +(new date) - r; n && cleartimeout(n); if (s > e || !i.enablethrottle) o(); else n = settimeout(o, e - s) } var n; var r = 0; return s } function h() { --o; if (!s.size() && !o) p(i.onfinishedall, null) } function p(e, t) { if (e) { if (t !== null) e(t); else e() } } var i = { bind: "load", threshold: 500, fallbackheight: 2e3, visibleonly: true, appendscroll: t, delay: -1, combined: false, attribute: "data-src", removeattribute: true, effect: "show", effecttime: 0, enablethrottle: false, throttle: 250, beforeload: null, onload: null, afterload: null, onerror: null, onfinishedall: null }; if (r) e.extend(i, r); var s = this; var o = 0; if (i.bind == "load") e(t).load(a); else if (i.bind == "event") a(); if (i.onerror) s.bind("error", function() { p(i.onerror, e(this)) }); return this }; e.fn.lazy = e.fn.lazy })(jquery, window, document);